You can use a domain that you purchased on GoDaddy to point to your OfferingTree site by either pointing it to your OfferingTree site or by fully transferring it over to OfferingTree. If you choose to point it to OfferingTree, you will maintain ownership and management of the domain and will need to continue paying the basic domain renewal fees to GoDaddy. This is usually the quickest way to get going and gives you the most control over the domain.
The other option is to transfer domain ownership to OfferingTree (which typically takes about 7 days). Instructions for both options are provided below.
Option 1: Point your domain to Your OfferingTree Site
1. Sign in to your GoDaddy account and click "Manage DNS"
2. Under the DNS "Records", look for a row of type CNAME with the name www. Edit this row and set the "Value" to If you don't find this record, click "Add" to add this record.
3. Click "Save". Contact us at and let us know that you have completed these steps and we'll finish the setup on our end.
Handle domain redirects
We suggest that you also redirect the root domain to your OfferingTree site. This will ensure that if someone types in your domain without prefixing it with www, they will get forwarded to the correct domain that includes the www. To do this:
1. Click "Manage DNS" (you can skip this if you are already on the "Manage DNS" page from above)
2. Scroll down to the "Forwarding" section and click "Add" for "DOMAIN"
3. Enter your domain including the prefix www. For example, if your domain is, enter Ensure that the forwarding type is 301 and the settings are "Forward only". Then click "Save"
Option 2: Transfer the domain to OfferingTree
If you would rather that we managed your domain for you, you can transfer your domain over to us. This process typically takes 7 days. When you cancel service with OfferingTree, we can transfer ownership back to you as long as it has been over 60 days (a requirement of the internet domain governing body).
If you choose to transfer your domain, please get started with unlocking the domain and getting an authorization code: Once you have an authorization code, please contact us at and provide us with the domain name and authorization code and we'll initiate the transfer.
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