If you're looking for additional ways to get online revenue right now, adding a Donate PayPal button is a good option. Especially if you aren't taking online payments from your services. In this article, we'll show you how to do add PayPal buttons with our site integration feature available on the Essentials or Pro plan.
- Login or Create an account on PayPal. https://www.paypal.com/signin
- Go to https://www.paypal.com/donate/buttons.
- Chose your button style: Select your country and language. You can also pick how you want the customize the built in button or even add your own button image. Press continue.
- Let users know about your organization: This is the information users see when they click on your button. We recommend you use the first option 'use account ID'. Press continue
- Set Donation Amounts: Here you can either put in a predefined amount or let the user choose how much they would like to donate. Press 'Finish and Get Code'
- Copy the Code: Press the 'Copy to clipboard' button or select and copy the HTML code.
- Go to your Admin console of your OfferingTree website. If you are unsure how to access your admin dashboard, we recommend you watch this short overview video. Log into your OfferingTree site by visiting https://offeringtree.com/login
- Navigate to the place you want to add your donate button. In the Pages section of your admin site, choose the page into which you want to add the donate button. Edit the page and then add a code block as detailed in these instructions.
- Create the integration. Edit teh code bock. Add a descriptive name for this integration. Something like 'PayPal Donate Button' would be a good one. Then paste in the code you copied in step 4. Press 'Save'. Now your integration is added and you can use it on your blogs, offerings, and website pages.
- Save the page. All done!!
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