Automation actions allow you to perform actions with the contact that is at the action step.
Here are the actions that are available:
Send an Email
This action will allow you to send an email to the contact. You can build a rich email along with attachments, and this will be sent out to the client when they reach this step.
Add a Tag
This action will add a tag to a contact if it does not already exist. Select the tag that you would like added to the contact when they reach this step.
Jump to a Step
This action will allow you to jump to another step within the automation. This is useful when you want to reuse other steps in another location of the automation.
Remove a Tag
This action will remove a tag to a contact if it exists. Select the tag that you would like removed from the contact when they reach this step.
Set a Custom Field Value
This action will allow you to set a value to one of your custom data fields for the contact at this automation step.
Add a Delay
This action will allow you to add a delay and hold the contact at this step until the condition for the delay is met. Once the condition is met, the contact will flow to the next step. You can choose from 4 types of delays:
- Fixed delay - Delay for a fixed amount of time (eg: 2 days)
- Custom Contact Date - Delay based on one of your custom contact date fields. eg: If one of your custom data fields is "Birthday" and you want to wait until the birthday before sending them an email, you can delay until the custom contact field.
- Trigger/Event Time - Wait until a time from the trigger event. For example, if the trigger for your automation is "Register for an Event", then you can wait until the start or end time of the event.
- Fixed Time - Wait until a specific date and time before proceeding.
Wait for Condition
This action will allow you to hold the contact at this step until the condition that is set is met. Once the condition is met, the contact will flow to the next step. Conditions can be complex conditions can be based on a number of attributes and can be a combination of conditions.
For example, if you want to wait until a contact has purchased their first package, you can set the condition "Number of packages" "is equal to" 1. Once the contact has one purchased package, they will complete this step.
You can combine multiple conditions using AND/OR operators.
To learn more about automations, be sure to check out our overview help article or view the other articles on this feature.
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