Discount codes are a great way to give discounts, incentives, or free access to your services. They are flexible and can be applied to offerings, packages, store items or any combination of the three. Discounts can be a fixed amount off or a percentage off of the purchase price.
To create a discount code, go to your admin site and select the "Discounts" menu item. Then press Create discount code button.
This will bring up the form shown below. Please reference the numbers in the form below and the following explanation.
- Discount code - a minimum of 4 characters and must be in upper case with no spaces. Symbols and characters are allowed, but we recommend just using normal characters and numbers so your clients can easily remember and enter your discount code
- The title is for your reference and is not shown to the public. It will be shown in your discount code table so you can use this field to be a bit more descriptive regarding this discount
- The discount amount, either in a percentage or in an amount. If you choose an amount discount, it will be subtracted from the purchase price in the currency of that price.
- Select between discount percent or amount
- Choose whether the discount can be used an unlimited number of times by a single client, or choose the number of times that a single client can use this discount code
- Choose whether the discount can be used an unlimited number or a specific amount of times by all clients. This is the total number of times the discount can be used.
- You can choose which offerings the discount can be applied to. All offerings means that the discount can be applied to all your scheduled offerings, event series, and appointments. You can also choose "No Offerings" which makes this discount is unusable for all your offerings.
- You can choose which packages this discount code can be applied towards. All, None, or the ones you choose.
- You can choose which memberships this discount can be applied towards. All, None, or the ones you choose. The discount will be applied to the number of billing cycles equal to the number of times a discount can be used by a single client (5).
- You can choose which store items this discount code can be applied towards. All, None, or the ones you choose.
- Discount codes can have an expiration date. This is an absolute expiration date, after which the discount code can no longer be used. By default, all discount codes last forever unless you specify an expiration date. If you choose an expiration date, the discount code will be valid until the end of that day in your current timezone. For example, if you are in US Central Time and you pick June 1st, the discount code will expire at 11:59pm on June 1st and will not be valid on June 2nd.
Editing a discount code works in a similar way. The same form above is presented and you can change any field. Note, any changes to a discount code take effect immediately but don't affect already applied discounts.
To edit a discount code, go to the discounts section of your admin site and select the code you want to edit by pressing on the pencil icon.
Make changes to the edit form and press save. That's it!
What Can Discount Codes be Used For?
Discount codes can be used for any offerings, memberships, packages or store items that you select when creating or editing your discount codes.
How Your Clients can Use a Discount Code
Interested in seeing how your clients can enter a discount code? Check out this article.
How to Unpublish or Delete a Discount Code
Don't want your discount code to be used anymore or want to remove a discount code entirely? Check out this help article.
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